Whilst we will carry out repairs to the structure of the building and any of our fixtures and fittings if they are damaged through an accident such as fire or flood, we are not responsible for repairing or replacing your belongings or in most cases carrying out redecoration to your home. We therefore strongly encourage all of our tenants to take out contents insurance. You can either arrange this through a private company or Birmingham City Council offer an affordable policy themselves. Please call Birmingham City Council on 0121 303 1111 or visit their website https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50003/council_home_repairs_cleaning_and_maintenance/554/contents_insurance_for_council_tenants_and_leaseholders to find out more.
Hi Bloomsbury EMB
I just wanted to say thank you for guiding me to the Councils approved Home Contents Insurance provider. I went on your website www.bloomburyemb.com as you advised me to and found the link to Birmingham City Council with the details of the types of insurances available. I downloaded the leaflet that was available which includes an application form and a handy guide to work out how much my stuff would cost to replace in the event of losing everything. This helped me calculate the level of cover I would need.
The insurance is provided by Royal Sun Alliance and they offer 2 types of policies. The Simple plan covers all your household goods, electricals and computers, pedal cycles and other things such as freezer contents and lost keys. The Simple + plan also covers you for accidental damage.
I called up the telephone number for Royal Sun Alliance and asked about the Birmingham Council policies and I was able to set it up there and then by arranging a direct debit. I have decided to cover myself for £15,000 worth of goods and to include the accidental damage cover. My direct debit has been set up for me at £12.81 per month and I feel I now have complete peace of mind for less than 43p per day. Thank you, Bloomsbury, for your help and advice,
Your sincerely
A resident of Victor
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