If you have a repair which needs doing at your home, please use the link below to report via email, contact the Bloomsbury EMB Office on 0121 464 1550 or come to the concierge office (Medway Tower) to report it in person.
GAS REPAIRS- are the be reported directly to Birmingham City Council's call centre who will then raise the repair for Wates. You can do this via 0121 216 3330. For further information please visit www.birmingham.gov.uk
If you smell gas, you need to notify National Grid as a matter of urgency. There contact number is 0800 111 999. Further information can be found at www.nationalgridgas.com
You can report repairs 24hours a day. Emergency repairs should be phoned through during our office open hours wehre possible. If no one answers the phone, please follow the instruction that will redirect you to our 24/7 call centre that can log the repair.
These are repairs where the damage is deemed to be caused by the tenant or a visitor to the property. The work will not be completed until the tenant has completed a form to authorise that they will pay for the repair. Examples are wilful damage or neglect, misuse and abuse.
If a repair is logged as an Emergency Out Of Hours Call and then access is not given or the repair is not an emergency, you may be recharged for this call out. Its is important you remain in the property to allow us access when an emergency is reported.
We can offer and arrange morning or afternoon appointments for repairs and inspections. If we cannot meet your preferred appointment within the repair timescales, we will offer a mutually convenient appointment. In special circumstances this appointment might be out of office hours.
If you fail to keep an appointment, the repair request will be cancelled and you may be recharged for the call out.
Pre-work inspections will be done where:
• You are unable to fully explain the problem;
• investigations are needed to identify the problem;
• surveying measurements, schedules or specifications are needed before ordering the work;
• a previous repair has not solved the problem;
• the repair may be your responsibility;
• there is a history of repeat repairs or abusing the property;
• you require an upgrade or improvement.
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