‘We will continue to work in partnership to deliver quality homes and services, a sustainable and safer neighbourhood and to improve the lives of our residents’
• Commitment to our tenant and resident customers on the Bloomsbury Estate
• Passionate about our local offer and making a difference
• Behave with honesty, integrity and transparency in everything we do
• Treat everyone with respect and courtesy
• Creative and innovative for better services
• Listen and learn to be a better business
• Ensure that we work to create an environment of mutual trust between our staff, board, all customers, partners and stakeholders
By adopting our values and embedding them within our service delivery, we will aim to:
• Put trust at the heart of how we do our business and deliver our services: Always work with you in an honest and straightforward way
• Listen to your views so that we can work to continuously improve: Consult with you about your experience of living on the Bloomsbury estate; the services you receive and, to ensure that you are able to make decisions about the future of your home
• Grow opportunities for participation and involvement: Work in a collaborative way to ensure that we remain genuinely tenant and resident led
• Aim to recruit the best staff with the right skills and experience: Work to offer you high quality services and the best results
• Be a forward thinking organisation, prepared to make the most of new opportunities: Look to grow and change but in a responsible way that is for the benefit of our tenants
• Work with the best partners and stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes for you: Be committed to any new customers and stakeholders that we work with now and in the future
• Maximise our resources so that we ensure value for money: Be responsible custodians of our resources
As a tenant and resident of Bloomsbury EMB you are the most important part of our business. As a tenant led organisation, we want to work in partnership with you to provide an excellent service and the best outcomes for you.
This charter sets out the standards of customer service you can expect from us. It also talks about how you can help us to give you a high quality service.
• We will be courteous and fair to you – we will do our best to help.
• Customer feedback will always be welcome
• Our offices will be made welcoming and accessible to you
• You will be able to make an appointment and to talk confidentially if you wish
• We will visit you at home if you wish
• We will treat you fairly and respect your confidentiality at all times
• We will not discriminate against you on the grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or marital status
• We offer a clear and accessible Complaints and Compliments procedure
• We will endeavour to meet the needs of our diverse communities by:
• Accessing translation services
• Providing information in an accessible form
• We expect you to be fair and courteous to us
• We ask you to respect other customers and visitors
• We ask you to provide information that we request so that we can help you
• We ask you to be patient and understand that we may not always be able to provide an answer to your query/problem/issue immediately
• We ask that you take the time to understand and be patient with those concerns that may be outside of our control (e.g. services provided by others and not Bloomsbury EMB)
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